Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Best way to keep your eyebrows shaped and clean?

Is tweezing or having you eyebrows waxed better? And is it better to do them yourself or get them done somewhere and what do you do if you have extremely thick ones and they grow fast.Best way to keep your eyebrows shaped and clean?
Get them done by professionals,find some one who works with thread to shape your eyebrows.

You will find in Indian and Pakistani beauty shops.Best way to keep your eyebrows shaped and clean?
I tweeze, waxing too much makes them not grow back. I have very thick brows and do not trust other people with them, so I do them myself (I only have to pluck the loose hairs). Mine grow very fast too, but I love my brows and I've noticed plucking does the job for me =).
better to get em done by a professional to get the basic shape at least..

and if you dont wanna go every 4 weeks, just tweeze in between in the shape they waxed them in..

i work at a salon and people come in with screwed up brows all the time they do themselves.
I have the same problem!

I found that getting them waxed somewhere keeps them looking shaped and better, for a lot longer time!

Also, it doesnt hurt as bad and it only lasts a minute!

It really is worth the money :)
You can get eyebrows thinned out if you do them professionally. When you have your eyebrows waxed you will still be tweezed anyway, but waxing gets more hair out faster.
I wax my eye brows it easyer and more better perfecionly I would say and they always do a good job

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