Saturday, January 23, 2010

What the Best way to tweezers your eyebrow and shape it ????

I would buy a eye brow shape kit.

I saw one on Oprah - it came with a stencil to put over your eye brow and shade this area with a eyebrow pencil.

All the areas outside this stencil are tweezed. (get the tweezer on the base of the hair and pull out in the direction of the hair growth) Buy good quality tweezers as poor ones break the hair.

Stencils come in different shapes: high arch etc

It is very easy to overdo your eyebrows so I think the eye brow kit is a really good place to start.

On Oprah -this eyebrow expert used the stencil on some ladies from the audience and the difference was truly amazing.

This site has some great tips: the Best way to tweezers your eyebrow and shape it ????
Well, I believe they have kits in stores like Wal-Mart and Target where you can buy kits that have stencil-like things (they might come in wax kits, however, but if you wanted to get the stencils for a guide I suppose you could). I've always just gone with the natural shape of my brows, though. I've never had mine professionally shaped, so if you have gone to the salon before I don't know how much your natural shape varies with what you have now, but here's how I do it - The top of the arch is supposed to line up with about the outer edge of the colored part of your eye. After that, you basically just choose how thick or thin you want them and pluck any extraneous hairs along that line of thickness.What the Best way to tweezers your eyebrow and shape it ????
Buy some tweezerman tweezers they are the best tool a girl can have (they sell them in boots now). If you have overplucked in the past then let them grow a bit and follow your natural arch, take your time and keeping stopping to check their both even , Dont take no hair from the top only the bottom hairs. You can buy a shaping kit aswell that have different arch shapes you can follow i got mine in M%26amp;S
If possible in your area, I would pay to have it shaped by a professional first, than I would keep up maintenance myself. Most towns you can find will do this at a salon that does hair and facials. Or somewhere that does waxing. I pay about $10-$15. I purchased a nice pair of tweezers from Trish McEvoy that I love and maintain weekly with.

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