Monday, January 18, 2010

Eyebrow shaping advice.?

i am armed with a pair of tweezers and my eyebrows dont match. help me!!

i cant afford to go anywhere professional and i need to learn how to do my own coz my friend usually does it for me.

any tips appreciated!!!


XXEyebrow shaping advice.?
to match em i would just fill it in with eyebrow pencil until they grow back.Eyebrow shaping advice.?
This is the way the experts recommend you do the eyebrows, and it works a treat!

Take an eyeliner pencil and place it vertically against your nose. It should run from the side of the nose, mid-mouth, and by the tear duct of the eye. This is where your eyebrow should start; any hair that is visible beyond the pencil should be tweezed.

Next place the pencil diagonally where it should hit the middle of the mouth, nostril, and outside the iris of the eye. This is wear your arch is. Tweeze a gradually line from the arch to the start of the eyebrow. Remember, GRADUAL, nothing harsh.

To determine the end of the eyebrow, place the pencil diagonally across to his the opposite corners of the mouth, nostril, and outside corner of the eye. Any hair that goes past should be tweezed.

Place your pencil horizontal from the start of the eyebrow to the end of the eyebrow. The pencil should create a perfect straight line.

Hello Dita von teese eyebrow perfection!
OK my top tips (I can feel the thumbs down coming from here lol):

1) Never pluck from above the eyebrow, always from underneath (unless you have a very obvious 'straggler').

2) Create a soft arch which should be *just* past the middle of the eyebrow not towards the outer corner (common mistake).

3) Your eyebrow should begin where your eye begins e.g if you held a pencil vertically along the side of your nose, your brow and eye should begin at the same point. (so many people pluck inwards so the brows are too far apart).

4) The first part of the brow (leading up to the arch) should be slightly fatter than the part after the arch (not the same thickness (or thinness) all the way along as is so often the case with over-pluckers).

5) Feel free to extend the outer edge of the brow with a pencil if it naturally falls short of the end of your eye.

6) Don't worry if you've over-plucked, just let your brows grow back in before picking up the tweezers again.

7) Only ever pluck one hair at a time!.

8) Fill in any missing hairs or bare areas with a pencil the same colour colour as your brows, use very light pencil strokes to emulate the look of individual hairs, DO NOT 'colour-in' your brows (saw that on a girl last night - oh dear).

stop what you are doing.

Go to boots, look for a wax treatment which has shapers rather then the strips.

Use these strips, place them over each eyebrow rather then one at a time so its easier and pull off in the opposite direction to growth.

Alternatively nars fo this excellent wax pen made just for facial hair, boots and superdrug sell this also.

do not carry on with the tweezers, unlessyour going to get rid of the lot, and would rather draw on your eyebrows for the rest of the year!
I have the same delima, and the experts at sephora told me to grow them out, its the only way to get a clean fresh even shape. I bought the eyebrow stencils and I tweeze around the area thats out of the stencil, allowing the hair to grow where it need too. They say it takes an average of two months, so sacrifice for beauty.
tweeze along with your natural eyebrow shape, meaning do it from the bottom. and just do a ';clean up';, getting rid of hairs that dont really belong.

the arc is natural, too, and should be above your iris, closer to the end of your eye.鈥?/a>

goo luck =)
ok, the start should be just over the corner of your eye, the arch should be inline with the edge of ur nose and your pupil, and the end should be inline with the edge of ur nose and the far corner of you eye. hope this helped :)
the best advice i can give you is just dont pluck too much and make it look like you don't have any eyebrows......just try to match them up as best as you can.
happened to me before stand infront of a mirror and shape them to the best and use aneyebrow pencil to fill in etc if ones thicker our shorter
jus go get them threaded it costs like 10 dollars and they shape them perfectly! I get them done all the time!
I got em tattooed on a few weeks ago I love em!
i had my eyebrows shaved off the other night...

my friends think they're funny.

whatever you do, dont do that lol

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