Monday, January 18, 2010

Eyebrow shaping ????

any tips?

i've tried youtube videos,

and i get soo confused.

thanks.Eyebrow shaping ????
Trust me.. Don't do it yourself at first. You ned to go to a salon to get it done, and after they do it you can keep up with the shape.

If you really HAVE to do it yourself, take a creamy concealer and put it over the places that you'll tweeze. That will give you a so/so impression of what they will look like.

I tried to tweeze myself and it was a huge mistake. Ooh, Advice: Never ever ever use a razor.. and if you do use said razor, make sure you don't shave off half of an eyebrow. :)Eyebrow shaping ????
basically just get them waxed at a salon, tell them how you want them and they will handle it, then as you see them grow in, you just pluck them as they come. sorry, i dont know how to do the shaping yourself.
Consider eyebrow threading, look it up the technique on you tube
go get them waxed. they will shape them for you, you can tweeze them to keep them up...
go to a threading salon they do a really good job!!! good luck!!

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