Monday, January 18, 2010

If i went to get my kinda bushy eyebrows threaded, could they pick a eyebrow shape for me?

or do i have to get it waxed.If i went to get my kinda bushy eyebrows threaded, could they pick a eyebrow shape for me?
What I suggest you do is go to salon and get them waxed and tweezed. That's what i did the 1st time I got my eyebrows done. Oh, and make sure you find a good person to do them, so that they can get the idea shape for your eyebrows. And I think the wax will be better for the kindy bushyness.. :)If i went to get my kinda bushy eyebrows threaded, could they pick a eyebrow shape for me?
I'm sure you can give them an outline of what you'd like, since I drew out what I'd like to have when I first got my eyebrows waxed to that shape that they are now. You could show them a magazine or picture of what you'd like, and they can work from there. If they let me do it, I'm sure they'll let you too!
they wont pick a shape for you. they go with your natural shape.
yes leave them to do it i get mine threaded every two weeks and i luv the shape they make

trust them


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