Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Is it ok to use eyebrow razor for shaping ur eyebrows?

please adviceIs it ok to use eyebrow razor for shaping ur eyebrows?
Well, I use a razor to ';shape'; my eyebrows and let me tell you what it is so much better to use a tweezor. The reason I dont use a tweezor? I cannot stand the pain! lol. I'm such a wimp. I should just toughen up and use one though, cause then maybe I'd have better shaped eyebrows!!Is it ok to use eyebrow razor for shaping ur eyebrows?
only if you have experience be very careful if you are under 18 get parent permission and ask them to help you there are alternatives waxing bleaching hair removal cream tweezeing all good stuff but as parent permission first if over 18 Please go to a professional at a beauty shop spa or ask an older person with experience with this
I've done it but it can be tricky. In a pinch I've had to use an actual razor razor. Just use the corner and be very careful. Don't want to butcher the suckers! Small strokes too. Good Luck Girl
you can get a really cool product from you local Wal-Mart, they are pre-cut wax strips, and i use them all the time. heres the product name: Hair Off Instant Eyebrow Shapers. They only cost about $3.00 and you get 18 sets of pre-cut shapers. BUY THEM I SWEAR THEY WORK GREAT!!!! I really hope they don't stop making this product! A good tip when using them....make sure your face is clean and oil free for them to work the best.
well it's your eyebrows...........
I wouldn't do because I've tried it and its easier to messs up your eyebrows with a razor. I messed up my eyebrows really bad once and never did it again. Besides they grow back faster with the razor. I think the tweezer is the best choice.

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