Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What do you think of this eyebrow shape?

Do you think it makes people look pretty/ugly/snobby/sexy......

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9K-nZ-A鈥?/a>What do you think of this eyebrow shape?
i like it, but it can go all those ways [pretty, hot, snobby, etc]

it depends how you carry it.What do you think of this eyebrow shape?
well it looks great on her face. its more of how does it look on the person rather than the shape itself...if u put that brow on someone like this...


the brow would look horribly off balance and unnatural...the brow u posted is a tiny bit overkill just because its a photoshoot with overdramatic makeup, but im sure if u took a lot of that tail off and u took away half the filling in, it would look great on her naturally.
I personally like the shape and the medium arch (very high fashion), but I would consider toning it down a bit by making it not so thick. And it can make some people look snobby, but it depends on their face shape and features. Hope that I helped!
It looks like sophisticated but snobby.

Mean and snobby
dont like it srry

answer mine?

eh im not to big of a fan of it

but lots of gorgeous girls have eyebrows like that soo....


It doesn look really bad, curves are nicer to look at.

The points are too harsh.

And her eyebrows are just way too thick.

Overall, not a good look
i think thick eyebrows are beautiful

i have really thick eyebrows like that but aren't that long
well that chicks eyebrows are hairyyyyy! lol wayyy tooo thick! lol but i like that arch shape, it makes ppls faces a bit more defined.
Like you're snobby %26amp;%26amp;too good to look at other people below you...like you're above everybody else.

I remember her from ANTM lol
well, it might be different if she was smiling, but i think it looks serious and a bit disproportional
I like it. I color/shape my eyebrows sorta like that.
snobby and stupid!

ugly mean and scaryyy
its nice and useable

but are you eyebrpws thick enough to go into that shape?

If so then yes, you should get it
Scary o:
I think it makes people look mean :[
snobby and ugly to me
I like it, but it might be a bit overkill
looks like a sexy snob to me
Personally I'm not a fan.
I agree wit hthe first person.
i think thin is better
its a bit thick ..... dont really like it.

id say ugly lol
It looks nice if your a fake b****.
I think it is way way too thick of a line. It's creepy.

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