Monday, January 18, 2010

Eyebrow: Shaping mistake, HELP!!?

I was using one of those electric eyebrow trimmers/shapers and I accidentally shaved off a small portion of my eyebrow. I didn't shave the portion completely off since I can still see the follicles. My boyfriend's prom is coming up soon, is there any way I can get them to grow back faster or just deal with it and wait the 56 days for the hair to fully grow out?Eyebrow: Shaping mistake, HELP!!?
ya it will groww during the 56 days so dont wry about it. just pencil brow it since it doesnt seem that huge.Eyebrow: Shaping mistake, HELP!!?
There really isn't anything that will make it grow in faster, sorry. It should be grown out in 56 days, but until then, just pencil in the bare spot.
sorry, there is no way to make it grow back faster, your going to have to color in area with eybrow color. I recomend powder not pencil. Use a dark black or brown eyeshowdow or a powder eyebrow color. use short feathery strokes for a natural look.
just deal with it

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