Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How do I find my eyebrow shape?

Concentrate on the curve on the upper part of your eyebrow, that's your shape. Always pluck the hairs below your eyebrow, never never never the above ones...NEVER...How do I find my eyebrow shape?
go to a professional and let her do them then just follow it when you need to tidy up.How do I find my eyebrow shape?
Please go to the salon

and let them wax your

eyebrows. They will

find the right shape for

your face. Don't do it

at home! You might

mess it up really bad.

Someone i know waxed

their eyebrows at home

and it ended up looking

Quit plucking them out and let them grow back, when they do then you will find there shape.
follow the natural curve of the TOP line of your brow. My aunt is a cosmetologist and she told me that you are NEVER supposed to pluck on top of brow, only clean up the underneath.
By looking in the mirror?

That is a great site to find the type of face and which eyebrow is best I have the book the site owners made and the book is amazing. Good Luck.
I just kinda designed my own and waxed them myself. They look fabulous.
Ok, all you need is a pencil ( not do write/draw with, but, to use as a tool)

1) Take your pencil%26amp; angle it on the outside of your eye to your nose to form a diagonal line. Where the pencil hits your eyebrow is where your eyebrow should end.

2) Do the same thing, but, on the inner part of your eye (the part closest to your nose) hold it vertically. Where the pencil hits the eyebrow there, is where it should start (basically, it should start at the exact point where your eye is)

4) Now for the arch, look into a mirror %26amp; try to hold the pencil up (w/o blinking....so you may want to hold it further away) to where your pupil (the dark center) is when you are looking straight ahead. The highest point of your eyebrows should be in line with your pupils.

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