Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Help on eyebrow shaping? ?

I could use some advice on anything eyebrow. I've had bangs since i drastically plucked them. before, i had really bushy eyebrows. my eyebrows were always very eneven since my nose is uneven and after i plucked them to be thin they are still uneven. i hid my bangs over the left eyebrow so people could never tell if they mis matched but im getting sick of my bangs since ive had them for four years now. what can i do to get themeven again? and no im not seeing a perfessional!!!! ive asked this so many times and thats what they say!!! if you even use the word perfessional i will get very offended!!!! i dont trust other people nor do i wish to show them my eyebrows. i want to be independent. what can i do? and do i have to buy anythinggg??? the thing isss... ive waited awhile for my eyebrows to grow out but theyre still super thin so i cant fix them!!!Help on eyebrow shaping? ?
you should buy the stencil. those work too.Help on eyebrow shaping? ?
Your arch should start about your pupil, and they should be as long as the inner corner to a diagonal outer corner. Of course you can vary the thickness and whatnot! And if they are still uneven naturally, use an eyeliner or something to lightly fill in,
Whatever you do, try not to shave your eyebrows off and paint them on. That always weirds people out. Good Luck :)

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